Относись к людям как к тем, кем они могут быть, и они станут тем, кем они могли бы стать.

— Иоганн Вольфганг Гёте – поэт

Edgar Cayce – reading 3976-10


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 105th St. & Ocean, Virginia Beach, Va., this 8th day of February, 1932, in accordance with request made by [943] and [2119], Active Members of the Ass”n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.


Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [943] and wife, [2119], Hugh Lynn and L. B. Cayce, and Mildred Davis.


Time of Reading 11:10 A. M. Eastern Standard time.

1. GC: You will have before you the minds and entities of [943] and [2119], present in this room, seeking information regarding the most tangled financial and political crisis into which the world ever strayed. Please outline in detail a definite, workable, plausible and applicable financial and political plan for establishing peace on earth and good will among men. This information shall be given in such manner that it can be presented to mankind in book form, so that it can be understood by an ailing and panicky civilization.

2. EC: There are MANY statements in this that are PRESUMING beyond the abilities of individuals seeking the information. Not by a great deal is the present condition the most serious of even the present civilization, for this point was passed in the fall of ’29 (twenty-nine) when there was given into the hands of two – yea three individuals – the FINANCIAL conditions and situations of the world. These represent as two upon the one side, ONE upon the dark side – or dark forces. There must be first the return to a STANDARD by which such IS to be judged, and then there may be gradually worked out that of a plausible, equitable, applicable situation in the affairs of the world. These must be considered (the world’s affairs) as a UNIT, and NOT as a whole, for there are conditions and developments in the present that are of the UNIT MAKING conditions in the financial and political conditions of the earth. That which has been presented in the World Court [See 3976-10, Par. R5] in the present is the better or greater basis for the FINAL relief, of that that WILL make for the working out of the financial and the political powers that be. These may not be invested in the few, though they must be the standard of many – and will follow in that course that is exercised BY those that PRESENT the working basis for those conditions in the affairs of the earth.

3. (Q) Who are the three individuals controlling the financial world in the present?
(A) Warburg, Mellon, Morgan. [10/6/72 GD’s note: President Hoover’s efforts culminating in U.S. delegation sent to Geneva on 2/2/32: See Encyclopedia Britannica pages 226 and 802 re Mellon and Morgan; 1957 (cc) edition.]

4. (Q) Please forecast the principal events for the next fifty years affecting the welfare of the human race.
(A) This had best be cast after the great catastrophe that’s coming to the world in ’36 (thirty-six), in the form of the breaking up of many POWERS that now exist as factors in the world affairs. The first NOTABLE change will be the acceptance or rejection of the world’s interference, or court of last resort FOR the world, in this present meeting as presented by France – and as rejected by America. Then, with the breaking up of in ’36 (thirty-six) will be the CHANGES that will make the different MAPS of the world. [9/11/33 See 378-12, Par. 6 indicating changes in 3 yrs.]

5. (Q) Name the powers that will be broken up in 1936.
(A) Rather by 1936. Will be Russia, United States, Japan and England, or United Kingdom.

6. (Q) Who will be the controlling power? [GD’s note: Perhaps referring to beginning of World War II? 1/19/34 See 3976-15, Par. 7.]
(A) That depends upon who is closer to those sources of power.

7. (Q) What will be the developments in the relations between China and Japan?
(A) The INTERNATIONAL interference will make for a re-peopling of portions of China, and the ultimate destruction of China or Japan as a nation.

8. (Q) What should be the attitude of so-called capitalist nations toward Russia?
(A) On Russia’s religious development will come the greater hope of the world. [See 3976-10, Par. R4, R6.] Then that one, or group, that is the closer in its relationships, may fare the better in the gradual changes and final settlement of conditions as to the rule of the world.

9. (Q) Should the United States recognize the present government in Russia?
(A) Many conditions should be considered, were this to be answered correctly. You could say yes and no, and both be right, with the present attitude of both peoples as a nation, and both be wrong; for there IS to come, there WILL come, an entire change in the attitude of both nations as powers in the financial and economical world. As for those of raw resources, Russia surpasses all other nations. As for abilities for development of same, those in the United States are the farthest ahead. Then these UNITED, or upon an equitable basis, would become – or COULD become – powers; but there are many interferences for those already investments, those already under questions, will take years to settle.

10. (Q) Will Italy adopt a more liberal form of government in the near future?
(A) Rather that of a more monarchal government than that of the liberal. Italy, too, will be broken by what NOW is an insignificant or small power that lies BETWEEN those of the other LARGER, or those of the MOMENT that are of the larger. These will not come, as we find, as broken, before the catastrophes of outside forces to the earth in ’36, which will come from the shifting of the equilibrium of the earth itself in space, with those of the consequential effects upon the various portions of the country – or world – affected by same. [See EARTH CHANGES booklet, pp. 25-26, published E.C.F. 1959.]

11. We are through for the present.

21/06/2009cayce - english
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