This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 322 Grafton Avenue, Dayton, Ohio, this 28th day of March, 1925, in accordance with request made by the self – Edgar Cayce.
Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno.
Time of Reading 11:30 A. M. Daylight Savings Time. [Original said “Dayton Savings Time]
1. GC: You will have before you the psychic work of Edgar Cayce, present in this room, especially that phase pertaining to Life Readings and former appearances of individuals in the earth’s plane. In several readings there has been given information concerning the second ruler in Egypt who gave the first laws concerning man’s relation to the Higher Forces. You will give me an outline of this teaching and how same was given to the people.
2. EC: Yes, we have the work here and that phase concerning the indwelling in the earth’s plane of those who first gave laws concerning indwelling of Higher Forces in man. In giving such in an understandable manner to man of today, [it is] necessary that the conditions of the earth’s surface and the position of man in the earth’s plane be understood, for the change has come often since this period, era, age, of man’s earthly indwelling, for then at that period, only the lands now known as the Sahara and the Nile region appeared on the now African shores; that in Tibet, Mongolia, Caucasia and Norway in Asia and Europe; that in the southern cordilleras and Peru in the southwestern hemisphere and the plane of now Utah, Arizona, Mexico of the north-western hemisphere, and the spheres were then in the latitudes much as are presented at the present time.
3. The man’s indwelling [was] then in the Sahara and the upper Nile regions, the waters then entering the now Atlantic from the Nile region rather than flowing northward. The waters in the Tibet and Caucasian entering the North Sea, those in Mongolia entering the South Seas, those in the cordilleras entering the Pacific, those in the plateau entering the Northern Seas.
4. When the earth brought forth the seed in her season, and man came in the earth plane as the lord of that in that sphere, man appeared in five places then at once – the five senses, the five reasons, the five spheres, the five developments, the five nations.
5. In this now then as we receive, we find many peoples, or man
became the union against the invasion from the now Tibetan and Caucasian forces. The separating of the peoples in their castes [was] only the beginning then of group understandings, and the first ruler of groups set self in that place in the upper Nile, now near what is known as the Valley of Tombs.
6. In the second rule there came peace and quietude to the peoples, through the manner of the ruler’s power over the then known world forces. At that period, man exchanged with the forces in each sphere that necessary for the propagation of the peoples of the sphere then occupied. In each of the spheres given was the rule set under some individual by this second ruler in now Egyptian country, and the period when the mind of that ruler brought to self, through the compliance with those Universal Laws ever existent, then that ruler set about to gather those wise men from the various groups to compile those as that ruler felt the necessary understanding to all peoples for the indwelling of the Divine Forces to become understood and to break away from the fear of the animal kingdom then overrunning the earth.
7. We are through for the present.