Период неудачи – это лучшее время для того, чтобы посеять семена успеха.

— Парамаханса Йогонанда – индийский гуру

Edgar Cayce – reading 5753-2


This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his home on Arctic Crescent, Virginia Beach, Va., this 29th day of June, 1937, in accordance with request made by those present from the New York Research Group at the Sixth Annual Congress of the Ass”n for Research & Enlightenment, Inc.


Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. Miss [954], Dr. [1210], Mrs. [903], Mr. [257], Miss [1058], Mrs. [1000] and Mr. [165] from the New York Research Group of the Ass”n; Gladys Dillman from Albany, N. Y.; W. R. Amerine from Montgomery, Ala.; Maud M. Lewis from Greenville, Ala.; J. S. Dalie from Cleveland, O.; Florence & Edith Edmonds, Helen Ellington, Frances Y. & Frances M. Morrow, Hannah Miller, Abbie Kemp, Ruth LeNoir, A. K. Swartz, Esther Wynne & Minnie Barrett, all from Norfolk, Va.; Daisy L. Holladay, Anna E. Hendley, Loretta & Robert Ladd from Washington, D. C.; M. H. Allen & W. H. W. Cassell of Berkley, Va.; and Jos. B. Clower, Jr., & Hugh Lynn Cayce of Virginia Beach, Va.


Time of Reading 11:30 to 11:50 A. M.

1. GC: You will have before you the New York Research Group, members of which are present here, and their desires and purposes to study and secure evidence to check the American incarnations of those who have had Life Readings through Edgar Cayce. You will advise this group as to the best methods for undertaking this study with a series of Readings to secure further data on individual records. Answer questions.

2. EC: Yes, we have the group as gathered here, the members of the New York Research Group, as a group, as individuals; with the desires, the purposes for research as evidence of incarnations of individuals.

3. In giving that as we find that may be helpful in such an experience, first they of the group should each determine within their own mind WHAT is evidence; and then be sure that is NOT evidence to thy neighbor.

4. For we are not all of one mind, and evidence or knowledge is an individual experience – and must be experienced.

5. Know that from the conscious mind only that which is drawn by comparison is evidenced in that consciousness.

6. Incarnation is not of the material, though – as the mind – manifests through the material.

7. Hence while it is part and parcel of the material, its evidence is rather in what is done about it.

8. Again the group should as individuals determine within themselves as to what they will do with same, when there has been proof-positive to them.

9. Do not gain knowledge only to thine undoing. Remember Adam.

10. Do not obtain that which ye cannot make constructive in thine own experience and in the experience of those whom ye contact day by day.

11. Do not attempt to force, impel or to even try to impress thy knowledge upon another. Remember what the serpent did to Eve.

12. In the studies, then, know WHERE ye are going. To gain knowledge merely for thine own satisfaction is a thing, a condition, an experience to be commended, if it does not produce in thine experience a feeling or a manner of expression that you are better than another on account of thy knowledge. This becomes self-evident that it would become then a stumblingblock, unless ye know what ye will do with thy knowledge.

13. As to the manners of interpreting – these may be observed, these may be made constructive by the study of those influences that in the associations and dealings with thy fellow man ye have had weaknesses, inclinations. These are mental, not material things, though they may have brought material activity. Warnings, constructive activity in warnings, then may prove to be of helpful experience in the activity of any individual group.

14. That this should not include documentary data or evidence, to be sure, is well; for documentary evidence to the mind of the masses is nil. Only that which produces or makes for experiences that may make a citizen a better citizen, a father a better father, a mother a better mother, a neighbor a better neighbor, is constructive.

15. And to find that ye only lived, died and were buried under the cherry tree in Grandmother’s garden does not make thee one whit better neighbor, citizen, mother or father!

16. But to know that ye spoke unkindly and suffered for it, and in the present may correct it by being righteous – THAT is worth while!

17. What is righteousness? Just being kind, just being noble, just being self-sacrificing; just being willing to be the hands for the blind, the feet for the lame – these are constructive experiences.

18. Ye may gain knowledge of same, for incarnations ARE a FACT!

19. How may ye prove it? In thy daily living!

20. Using the experience of David the king as an example, what was it in his experience that caused him to be called a man after God’s own heart? That he did not falter, that he did not do this or that or be guilty of every immoral experience in the category of man’s relationship? Rather was it that he was sorry, and not guilty of the same offence twice!

21. Well that ye pattern thy study of thyself after such a life!

22. There may be an excuse – yes, there may be a forgiveness for those that err once; is there for twice, is there for thrice? Yea – though ye forgive, if ye would be forgiven! For that is the law.

23. Then, such a study is WELL – if ye know whither ye go.

24. If ye do NOT know whither ye go, ye had better leave it alone!

25. Ready for questions.

26. (Q) What suggestion would you advise for obtaining subsequent Readings for this group’s study?
(A) First, let the members of the group each so examine themselves before their Maker and their consciousness, as to the sincerity of purpose and as to that to which purpose such knowledge would be used.

Then, seek and ye shall find – if it is to be constructive, well; if it is for self-glorification, well – provided this does not make thee the more humble it is bad. But most of you in your experience if you have looked at yourselves through a mirror of your activities will certainly be humble if you have any conviction!

27. (Q) Advise the group as to how to proceed in organizing themselves.
(A) In the group you each have your own experiences, own incarnations. What is proof to one, as has been given, will NOT be proof to the other.

Let them separate then rather into groups – one, two, three that is the closer evidence for them; if there is the determining in themselves by their self-examination first – and do not do the self-examination by making for conversation other than with thy inner self or thy Maker! But determine that it is for a constructive force in the experience, and that it is to make for the study of self in such a manner that there may be in the experience a better mother, a better father, a better neighbor, a better relationship with individuals, and that it is to be used as such and not attempted to be either cast before swine or set up as the pedestal to be worshiped or to be impelled into the minds of others! But self-examination and self-development, by and through the will of Him who giveth life to all!

Then, as the groups form into ones, twos or threes, take the data that may be given of the experience of any individual – and if they choose of the group, study [1210]’s first, for this is easy to find so far as the documentary data are concerned. It will not be proof to others, but to [1210] much.

Then each study that phase of what [1210] has done about same; not as in passing judgments but as a helper, as a bolster for the getting away from those things that through the flesh have made for the weaknesses in the experiences of the individuals and may be strengthened in that of just doing good, just being kind.

And unless it is used in such a manner, WE would not give that it is worth thy trouble.

For unless ye are to use the experiences of thy activities, under any circumstance, as a constructive thing, as a constructive experience, of what use is it?

This does not imply that all joy, all happiness, even all the gratifying of the emotions of the physical being are to be submerged or are to be pushed back; neither is it that they are to be gratified; but rather as He has shown the Way.

28. We are through for the present.

12/06/2009cayce - english
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